

5 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Thorned Minions Your minions are imbued with crackling energy that reflects the damage foes inflict on them Mana cost: {14|...} {25}% Damage Reflected Back on Attacker for {10} seconds 20 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Burning Bind Your minions are enraged, resulting in improved damage and attack speeds Mana cost: {14|...} Increases all Physical & Elemental Damage by {50}% for {15} seconds {10}% Faster Attack for {15} seconds 1 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ember Bolt Two bolts of Ember energy seek out their target Mana cost: {4|5|...} 50% Magic bonus {10-14|18-25|...} Poison Damage +{5|...} Knockback Weapon Damage: {10|20|...}% 1 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Nether Imp Summons a maximum of {1} Nether Imp from the dormant energy of corpses Mana cost: {15|...}   10 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Summon Alchemical Golem Summon an Alchemical Golem to attack your foes Mana cost: {20|...}   25 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Summon Beam Golem Summon a golem to blast your foes with a beam of electricity Mana cost: {40|...}   15 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ember Lance Pierces foes with a shaft of blistering energy Mana cost: {18|...} per second 50% Magic bonus Weapon Damage: {8|}% {60-149|...} Fire Damage 20 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ember Phase Phase to a new location, dealing damage as you enter and exit nether space Mana cost: {16|...} 50% Strength bonus, 50% Magic bonus +{78-155} Damage +{30} Knockback {42}% Chance to Stun for {2} seconds 10 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Infuse Imbue your weapons Ember energy for increased damage Mana cost: {12|...} {30}% Melee Damage Bonus for {30} seconds {30}% Ranged Damage Bonus for {30} seconds 5 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Iceshock Hurl a crystal that detonates with a chilling blast, freezing nearby foes Mana cost: {8|...} 50% Magic bonus {25-34|...} Ice Damage {63|}% Chance to Freeze Target for {5} seconds 20 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Pyre Hurl a crystal filled with nether flames -- flames burn foes over time Mana cost: {15|...} +{90} Fire Damage for {3} seconds 5 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ember Shield Envelops you in Ember Energy, absorbing physical damage Mana cost: {12|...} 50% Defense bonus, 50% Magic bonus {129} points of Damage Absorbtion 100% Knock Back Resistance 15 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Frailty Enfeebles nearby enemies, reducing their armor and elemental resistances, and slowing their attacks Mana cost: {8|...} -{20}% to Physical & Elemental Armor for {6} seconds {10}% Slower Attack for {6} seconds {10}% Slower Cast Speed for {6} seconds +{2} Poison Damage for {6} seconds 15 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Terror Causes enemies in range to flee in mortal terror Mana cost: {8|...} +{6} Knockback {75}% Chance that Target Flees for {2} seconds 10 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ember Lightning Blasts foes with a bolt of Ember energy Mana cost: {9|...} 100% Magic bonus Weapon Damage: {20|}% {54-128|...} Electric Damage +{2} Knockback Secondary Effect: Weapon Damage: {20|}% 25 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ember Sentry A sentry crystal blasts nearby enemies with a beam of Ember energy Mana cost: {20|...} 50% Magic bonus {350} Seconds Summon Duration Increases All Damage by {136}% 1 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ember Shock A gauntlet overload delivers a devastating charge to a single target. Power diffuses into nearby foes for lesser damage. Mana cost: {8|...} 100% Magic bonus Weapon Damage: {20}% {49-77} Electric Damage 100% Chance to Stun for {4} seconds Secondary Effects: Weapon Damage: {20}% {3-40} Electric Damage 100% Chance to Stun for {2} seconds 25 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ember Strike A bolt of burning energy from the sky strikes the target location Mana cost: {30|...} Weapon Damage: {20}% +{305-488} Fire Damage 5 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Pet Mastery (Passive) Your affinity for animals increases your pet and minion's power, and decreases the pet's town-travel time. +{4|...}% Pet and Minion Damage +{4|...}% Pet and Minion Armor {8}% Decreased Pet Town Travel Time 20 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Barter (Passive) Reduces the purchase prices at Merchants, Enchanters, and Gamblers. Improves the sale prices of your own goods. {6|...}% Decrease in Vendor Prices 20 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Advanced Spellcasting (Passive) Reduces the level requirements of all Spells, and improves Mana recharge rate -{1|...} to Spell Learning requirements {2|...} Mana Recovery per second 1 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Magic Weapons Expertise (Passive) Mastery of Wands and Staves, and reduced requirements for Rings and Amulets -{1|...} to Mage Equipment Requirements +{4|...}% Mage Weapon Damage 5 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Martial Weapons Expertise (Passive) Mastery of Swords, Axes, Maces, and Polearms -{1|...} to Martial Equipment Requirements +{4|...}% Martial Weapon Damage 15 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Ranged Weapons Expertise (Passive) Mastery of Bows, Pistols, Crossbows and Rifles -{1|...} to Ranged Equipment Requirements +{4|...}% Ranged Weapon Damage 1 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Armor Expertise (Passive) Mastery of all forms of armor reduces requirements and improves armor absorbtion -{1} to Armor Equipment Requirements {4|...}% to Armor 10 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Offensive Spell Mastery (Passive) Increases the level of all Offensive Magic spells. Spells can be found or bought, and fall under the Spells tab in your inventory. +{1|...} to Attack Spell levels 10 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Defensive Spell Mastery (Passive) Increases the level of all Defensive Magic Spells. Spells can be found or bought, and fall under the Spells tab in your inventory. +{1|...} to Defense Spell Levels 10 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Charm Spell Mastery (Passive) Increases the level of all Charm Magic spells. Spells can be found or bought, and fall under the Spells tab in your inventory. +{1|...} to Charm Spell levels 25 Lore 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Treasure Hunter (Passive) Increases the chance to find magic items, and the potency of enchantments. Treasure Hunters also find more gold. +{3|...}% Increased Gold Find +{3|...}% Increased Magic Find 20 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Block and Parry (Passive) Increases the chance to block, either with or without a shield {2|...}% Chance to Block 5 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Critical Strikes (Passive) Increases the chance and improves the damage of all critical strikes {12|...}% Bonus to Critical Damage +{1|...}% Critical Hit Chance 10 Arcane 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Adventurer (Passive) Improves the potency of potions, increases the rate of Experience and Fame gain, and reduces resurrection penalties. {2|...}% Increased Experience Gain {2|...}% Increased Fame Gain +{8|...}% Potion Effectiveness 15 Battle 《火炬之光》人物技能树:Alchemist(英文版) Dual Wielding (Passive) Improves damage of all weapons when dual-wielding {6|...}% Damage Bonus when Dual Wielding

