在[暗黑破坏神3]的Q&A中,负责解答的是Jay Wilson,有鉴于完整的Q&A实在太多,小卷就节选一些重点信息与大家分享:
在谈到[暗黑破坏神2]中的静态点数分配系统的时候,Jay Wilson提到在[暗黑破坏神3]中将有自动分配系统。
"With that being said, we do have another system we’re working on. The specifics intent of it is to capture the imagination of what stat point spending was supposed to do, which is, “I want to be stronger. I want to be tougher.” These kind of simple ideas are not contextualized well within a skill system. The skill system is about what the player is doing, not higher ideals about what their character is. So, we’re going to work on a system that really satisfies that feeling, but is way easier to understand and also has some true customization to it."
在谈到个人风格的角色定制上面,Jay Wilson有如下的建议:
Every system that we design, we go, “Oh, how can we spend gold here?” People have asked about a respec system, for example. We will have one. We haven’t designed it yet, but I guarantee you that you’ll have to spend a lot of gold. I can guarantee that because that’s one of the places we’d look at to try and balance the economy. There are a whole bunch of systems like that that we haven’t announced or are in progress. “Will you be able to remove gems from items?” Yes, you will able to and I guarantee you it will cost a lot of gold. Those are part of the ways that you handle and make gold valuable.
每一个我们设计开发的系统,我们都会想“OH,怎样才能把金币用在这上面?”举个例子,玩家已经对回收机制提出了不少问题。我们将有一个回收机制。但是我们还没有开始设计它,但是我可以向你保证,在这个机制上面,你将会花费很多金币。我可以跟你保证这件事,因为在这个地方,我们将进行尝试以及平衡经济体系。有很多系统都是这样的,我们还没有宣布开发或者正在开发的时候,外界就已经就已经宣传得乱成一锅粥了。 “你可以从物品中移除宝石吗?”是的,你将可以做这件事,同时我可以向你保证你将在这上面花费大量的金币。花费金币来移除宝石,将是你能使用的唯一方法,这样也能使得金币变得更有价值一些。